Wednesday 3 August 2016

WWF King of the Ring 1993

WWF King of the Ring 1993
Venue: Dayton, Ohio
Date: 13/6/93
Attendance: 6,500
Commentators: Jim Ross, Bobby Heenan & Randy Savage

King of the Ring was an (almost) annual tournament which ran on untelevised events from 1985 to 1991 but in 1993 the decision was made to make it into a pay-per-view event. Qualifying matches for the tournament aired on Monday Night Raw with the quarter finals, semi finals and final to feature on the pay-per-view itself. In addition to the tournament Yokozuna challenged Hulk Hogan for the WWF Heavyweight Title in a rematch from their impromptu bout at Wrestlemania IX.

In the first tournament quarter final Bret Hart defeated Razor Ramon in a good contest but not quite to the level of their Royal Rumble battle after countering a super-plex... Mr Perfect advanced past Mr Hughes by disqualification in a worthless match. Perfect was not permitted to beat Hughes who was to work with The Undertaker... Bam Bam Bigelow beat Hacksaw Jim Duggan clean in another poor bout with his top rope diving headbutt... Lex Luger and Tatanka's unbeaten streaks remained intact after they fought to a fifteen minute time limit draw which eliminated them both. The match was actually fairly good. Luger wore an elbow pad to cover his steel plated err.. forearm but removed it after the bout to KO Tatanka.

Bret Hart and Mr Perfect had a good face-to-face interview with Gene Okerlund followed by an excellent wrestling match which Hart won to reach the final. Perfect played the slight heel here but shook hands with Hart after the match to confirm there was no turn. The match was similar in quality to their bout at Summerslam 1991 but with less crowd heat... Hulk Hogan's first U.S. televised match since Wrestlemania IX and his first title defence ended in a surprise defeat to Yokozuna. The slimmed down 1993 version of Hogan looked even more slight next to the massive Rodney Anoa'i. Hogan put Yokozuna over very strong in the match with 'Zuna dominating almost entirely and Hogan's comebacks amounting to little. Hogan even allowed Yoko to kick out of the leg drop. The finish however was ridiculous. As Hogan was readying himself to bodyslam Yokozuna a 'cameraman' with a very phony looking disguise (it was Harvey Whippleman) got onto the apron and fired a flame into Hogan's face leaving him prone to defeat. Yoko then crushed Hogan with a Banzai Drop to send him on his way with the crowd's sympathy. In the aftermath (and unlike Survivor Series 1991) there was no outrage and demands for justice after such a blatant screwjob. Jack Tunney bizarrely congratulated Yokozuna as if the fire spot hadn't happened.

The Smoking Gunns & The Steiner Brothers beat Money Inc and The Headshrinkers in a match which at 6:49 was not allocated enough time for an eight man tag. The Steiners barely featured as Billy Gunn pinned Ted Dibiase out of nowhere for the win. This wouldn't have been so bad except it'd be the Steiners who would win the tag team title the next night... After announcing the name of his new bodyguard Diesel, Shawn Michaels retained the Intercontinental Title over Crush in an average match with another screwy finish. Two Doinks walked out to distract Crush allowing Michaels to superkick him from behind in a spot that looked awful for the cheap win.

The final tournament match was a good one as Bret Hart pinned Bam Bam Bigelow with a victory roll to claim his second King of the Ring crown. Bigelow initially won the bout with his diving headbutt but Earl Hebner ran to the ring to rule the match should continue because Luna Vachon had struck Hart with a very weak chair shot. It made no sense as a much more obvious injustice had been allowed to stand in the world title match. It didn't make Hart look great either. Regardless of the inconsistencies the match told a good story with Hart selling injury and exhaustion having wrestled the extra match but like any good top babyface still found a way to overcome the odds. During Hart's coronation celebration he was confronted and attacked by Jerry Lawler who claimed he was the only true king of in the WWF. This was a good angle that began a hot feud between the two although Hart claimed Lawler was a bit over zealous during the attack.

This was undoubtedly Bret Hart's night. His three tournament matches with Razor Ramon, Mr Perfect and Bam Bam Bigelow really made the show because the rest wasn't much to write home about. At the time it was presumed a rematch between Yokozuna and Hulk Hogan would headline Summerslam but Hogan would leave the WWF following his match with Yoko in Sheffield, England on 6th August and not return for eight and a half years. Hart was about to engage in a feud with Jerry Lawler so a new top babyface would need to be found and quick... King of the Ring 1993 attracted a buy rate of 1.1 which was around 245,000 buys.

1 Bret Hart pinned Razor Ramon (10:27) ***
2 Mr Perfect def Mr Hughes by disqualification (6:02) *1/4
3 Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Jim Duggan (4:59) *1/4
4 Lex Luger fought Tatanka to a time limit draw (15:00) **1/2
5 Bret Hart pinned Mr Perfect (18:55) ****1/4
6 Yokozuna pinned Hulk Hogan (c) to win the WWF Heavyweight Title (13:11) *1/2
7 The Smoking Gunns & The Steiner Brothers def Money Inc & The Headshrinkers by pinfall (6:49) **
8 Shawn Michaels (c) pinned Crush to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title (11:14) **
9 Bret Hart pinned Bam Bam Bigelow to become "King of the Ring" (18:11) ***1/4

21/45 = 46.67%

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